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Meet real patients just like you. 

Everyone’s journey to good digestive health is different. Hear from real patients about their personal experiences with the Trio-Smart breath test by watching the videos below. 

Meet Sarah

Sarah found Trio-Smart after experiencing symptoms for over five years. Her Trio-Smart results helped her and her healthcare provider form a personalized treatment plan.

Meet William

With over three years of symptoms like bloating and gas, William used Trio-Smart to measure all three of the primary fermented gases in the microbiome. Because Trio-Smart was so easy to use, William will be using Trio-Smart again to evaluate if his treatment is working.

Meet Aoibheann

Aoibheann has been experiencing digestive issues, including bloating and constipation, for her whole life. After meeting with countless doctors, she finally found actionable answers about her gut health with the trio-smart breath test.

Meet Michael

Michael’s doctor recommended the easy-to-use, Trio-Smart breath test, featuring at-home sample collection, because he had been struggling with digestive symptoms for years.

Meet Jeffrey

Experiencing gas and bloating his entire life, Jeffrey has been looking for answers for years. Finally discovering Trio-Smart, Jeffrey was thrilled to find definitive answers on his healing journey.

Meet Janice

Janice suffered from constipation, gas, and bloating, and because Trio-Smart revealed abnormal methane results, she was able to seek appropriate treatment.

Meet Rachel

Struggling with acne and other symptoms, Rachel met with her doctor to discuss trio-smart. Together, they used the data from trio-smart to move forward with an action plan.

Meet Beth

Spending much of her time in and out of doctors’ offices, Beth experienced her SIBO symptoms for over four years before finding answers and relief with Trio-Smart and its convenient at-home sample collection

Meet Emily

After years of experiencing constipation and exhausting all other options, Emily suspected SIBO as the culprit for her symptoms. She used the Trio-Smart test to find answers when she needed them the most. 

Meet Catherine

Living with mixed symptoms like constipation and diarrhea, Trio-Smart was recommended by Catherine's doctor. Although her Trio-Smart results were normal, she found value in ruling out SIBO.



Order Trio-Smart through our free telehealth service. No appointment needed.


Discuss ordering Trio-Smart with your healthcare provider.

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